AC Repair In North Bay: The Ultimate Guide

Even in Santa Rosa’s mild weather, air conditioners are part of every residence. If you find yourself with a broken unit on the wrong day, you could be in for a long one. Same Day has put together this guide to help inform you of the basics that will help you understand what to do...

What Temperature Does a Heat Pump Become Ineffective?

Living in Santa Rosa, a heat pump can be a great alternative to a furnace for your at home heating needs. They are extremely energy efficient saving homeowners money in the long run! A heat pump is so efficient, because it extracts heat from the air around it rather than burning anything in order to...

What Is A Split System Heat Pump?

Are you in the market for a new central air system for your home? Whether it is the summer or the winter, it is important for many to keep their home at a comfortable temperature. While installation of a central air system can cost thousands, another option is available. A split system heat pump is...

What Is A Heat Pump Water Heater?

Did you know that your heat pump isn’t just for space heating? That’s right, if you own a heat pump for space heating, you can use it to heat your home’s water as well! Even if you don’t own a heat pump, you can use one as a standalone water heater. So, what is a...

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