Keeping the Heat in Your Home During the Cold Months
There are several ways to cut heating and energy costs while still maintaining a comfortable home during harsh winter months. Below are a few simple tips on how to keep your family cozy and your energy costs low.
- Keep the Heat Inside
Nearly one-third of a typical home’s heat loss occurs when air escapes from doors, windows, or gaps within the home. There are a few simple fixes that can help you prevent simple heat loss within your North Bay home.
- Sealing Leaks – Caulking leaks can save between 10% – 20% on annual heating and cooling bills.
- Apply Weather-Stripping for Windows – Covering windows can save between 5% – 10% on annual heating and cooling bills.
- Closing/Opening Curtains – Closing curtains during winter months can reduce heat loss by 10%. Opening curtains on sunny days can also help boost indoor temperatures via solar energy.
- Install Door Sweep – If cold air is seeping under the door use a draft-defeating door sweep that helps keep heat inside your home.
- Install a Programmable Thermostat
Programmable or “smart” thermostats give the homeowner the ability to preset specific temperatures and schedule them for certain times of the day.
Turning thermostats to lower temperatures when you’re sleeping or away and higher temperatures at other times of the day can help save 10% – 20% on annual heating and cooling bills. See table below for a suggested programmable thermostat temperatures.

- Inspect System and Replace Filter Regularly
Making sure your heating system is in full-working order before winter hits is crucial. Winter months are a good time to perform basic maintenance on your heating/cooling system. It is important to make sure that furnace filters are cleaned or changed monthly during heating months.
A clean filter allows the system to run at its maximum efficiency. Some filters can be cleaned and re-used while others must be replaced entirely, which is dependent on the specific model of the heating system.
- Don’t Place Anything in Front of Your Heating System
No matter what heating system you use, indoor heating requires air flow. Consider adjusting the layout of your furniture to ensure that no vents are being blocked. Not only do obstructions block air circulation, they can also present a major safety hazard. Keep your home warm and your family safe by leaving a minimum of 2-feet clearance between furniture and heating elements.
- Reverse Fans
Ceiling fans are common in homes located in warm-weather climates. If you use ceiling fans in your home, check to see if the fan has a winter setting. In summers fans generally rotate counter-clockwise, but in the winter you can set the fan to spin clockwise, which redistributes air through an updraft, causing warmer air to travel through the room.
Not all energy experts feel that it is a good idea to run fans in the heating months, but this method has been proven to help heating systems run more efficiently.
Following these simple, relatively cheap tips can help you make sure your home is warmer this winter than ever before. Performing these quick fixes will ensure that you lower your energy consumption while still maintaining a warm, comfortable home.
Contact SameDay Heating & Air today!